
2024 Australian Blokart Championships Report

Published Wed 15 May 2024

The 2024 Australian Blokart Championships were held at Mulumbin beach Yeppoon in Queensland from the 15th to the 19th February. There were 39 competitors in the open event and 7 youth competitors ranging in age from 7 to 15 for the Youth Championships. The competitors came from Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and 1 from the UK. The competition was very close in most of the divisions, a copy of the results can be found here.

Some rain showers and gusty conditions on the Saturday made for some very entertaining racing put on by the youth sailors, who have no fear. There were many capsizes and reverse 360s but they just sorted themselves out and kept racing. 

The event was a great success with lots of local interest. The youth are keen to continue blokarting and bring along some of their friends. Maybe the start of a new generation of blokarters.

The social events and the presentation diner were held in the marque clubhouse in the nearby NRMA caravan park. 

Thank you to all the sponsors, NRMA Caravan parks, Keppel Bay Sailing Club, Blokart International, Australian Blokart Association, Dave and Ruth Moore, Mark Hardy and the Livingstone Shire Council. Thanks also to the Central Queensland Blokart Club for the use of their trailer, timing gear and club blokarts. Thanks also to South east Queensland Blokart club and the Whitsunday Blokart club for their support.